My name is Philip Tsaras and I have lived in London for the past 40 odd years. I am an actor, singer, dancer, writer and voice over artist.

Most of my reviews are of opera and vocal recordings, though I do occasionally write about other things. I’ve only ever written because I enjoyed it, but my site has now become quite popular and I get quite a lot of visitors. I have also recently started reviewing for MusicWeb International and some of my reviews have begun to appear on their site as well.

My favourite singers tend to be those who have instantly recognisable voices, those like Callas (a lot of Callas), Schwarzkopf, Janet Baker, Jon Vickers, Gobbi, De Los Angeles and more, all of whom bring something unique to whatever they sing. Though all these singers can sing with beauty of tone, it seems to me that their quest is for singing that is beautifully expressed rather than just making beautiful sounds. In the words of Keats,

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
                Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”